Hi, I am
Amy Robinson, CHom!
I am a Clinical Homeopathic Practitioner. I am also a mom of two fun loving boys and the wife of an amazing, supportive husband.
My holistic journey started in 2014 when my first son, Luke was diagnosed with PANS (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome). After coming to a dead end with conventional medical methods for treatment we turned to holistic means as well as nutrition to treat Luke. After seeing improvement just from dietary changes we continued to fall down the wonderful rabbit hole of holistic healing. I was consumed with research, finding case studies and talking to others that have experienced healing through holistic methods.
This eventually led me to Homeopathy.
In July 2016 we decided to give homeopathy a try. After one dose it was like I was meeting my son for the first time. His PANS symptoms were greatly reduced and we were on our way to recovery!! Today, Luke is more than 80% healed. We still have some deep roots to reach with his healing but we are getting there and he is enjoying his childhood. It is my belief that holistic medicine, homeopathy, natural tonics, herbs, and whole foods are a gift from God. We are to take care, feed and nourish our bodies and minds the best we can every day.
As a homeopath, my approach to healing is based on the most gentle, effective cure. I am a family practice. I take on any type of ailment from general pain to physical and mental illness but
My specialty lies within:
- Grief
- Trauma
- Generational trauma
- Ill effects inherited from those traumas including Neuropsychiatric Disorders: PANS, PANDAS, ADHD, Autism, Developmental Delays, Anxiety, Depression, OCD & ODD.
Thank you for reading and for visiting my page!
Amy Robinson, CHom