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Anger Case Story

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

63 year old male with snap anger, easily offended, tinnitus, extra hard worker, obsessive tendencies regarding prepping for end of the world scenarios and the like. He does not drink alcohol or have any drug addiction.

Wife spoke to me regarding his temper and how it had recently become worse. He was becoming abusive toward her.

He had always had a very short temper and had been abusive verbally, emotionally and physically with most of the household for more than 40 years. The relationship with the children was estranged to say the least and the wife was in a state of constant fight or flight due to not knowing what would set the husband off.

He had a history of abuse as a child himself and was made to suppress his emotions.

I decided to recommend the remedy Nux Vomica 6c. The husband was not opposed to taking the remedy the wife just felt he would forget or not be as diligent as he should be with taking the remedy so I recommended the wife spray the remedy on his dinner or in his drink every night.

After a week it was reported that the husband had called and reconnected with the children and had become much more grounded and really a joy to be around. He started making picture collages for his family members including his grandchildren. Before he felt he didn’t have time to waste on family. He felt he had to constantly work to be able to provide for everyone if the end of the world came. It was important to him to protect his family at the expense of pushing them away. Now he’s seeing the value in connecting with his family and can think of more than just obsessing over preparing for the worst.

He now attends social events with his wife and is affectionate and supportive towards her. Before the consultation he would be too busy to attend social events and really wasn’t a very social person at all. He really disliked people in general and most of those he disliked were his extended family. Now he is even reaching out to the members of the extended family to make amends.

The man's older sister, that raised him said, “he had always been a sweet boy. I’m seeing that sweet boy again.”

More work will need to be done to continue his healing but this is a great sign and immediate relief for his wife and his family.

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