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Homeopathic Blends vs. Single Remedies

Let me tell you a story about a homeopath that left her remedy kits at home while going on vacation. Yes, that was me, I’m that homeopath. My husband and I went on a short trip without the kids, so I left the majority of my kits at home for the kids and Mom if they needed them while we were not home. I took a smaller kit with me just for first aid mostly. During the first day of our trip I developed cold symptoms, including runny nose and lots of sneezing. I knew I needed the remedy Allium Cepa but it was in my “Plandemic” remedy kit hours away. I looked for a store that carried single remedies but there wasn’t one. I stopped in CVS and bought one of the blend remedies for exactly my symptoms and it had Allium Cepa in it. Great right? Well not really. While the blend had the remedy I needed within it, it also had 9 other remedies in the blend.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great option over synthetic meds but here are a few things you need to know about homeopathic blends vs single remedies.

First, we need to think of our symptoms like a dart board. If we use a blend it’s like throwing a wet blanket at the dart board. It may stick but it may not stay. Single remedies are like darts aimed at the symptom(s). When the correct single remedy is thrown at the symptom it sticks and in doing so allows the body to correctly heal itself.

I do not say this to discredit these blends. Again, I think this is a good option over the other drugs in the store by far. What one needs to know is if you use these blends and they do not improve your symptoms it’s not that “homeopathy doesn’t work” it’s simply this blend is not targeting your symptom(s) efficiently.

On vacation I was stuck using this blend. I took it as instructed and I felt my vitality raise but not hold. My symptoms improved for a few minutes but then my vitality would fall again. My symptoms became worse over the following days. What was simply a common cold starting in my nose became more as it moved into my lungs and became more like a croup sounding cough with head pressure. Luckily we were leaving the following day and I’d be home with my whole homeopathic pharmacy. I now needed a deeper remedy due to the fact I could not get the very simple single remedy at the beginning of my symptoms.

Once I arrived home I took the remedy I needed (this one was also in my Plandemic kit) that remedy matched my now croupy cough and trouble getting a deep breathe. Within an hour I had much less pressure in my head, my croupy cough subsided and I could breathe well again. My over all health improved dramatically over 24 hours and no other remedies, herbs or supplements where needed.

This is a lesson of never leave your Plandemic Kit at home but also a lesson to know when to contact a homeopath for an acute consult. If you or your child are sick and you've tried these blends or 2-3 single indicated remedies and your symptoms are not improving it’s recommended you contact a homeopath for an acute consultation to get a more specific remedy for your symptom(s).

Continuing to try different remedies and modalities (herbs and supplements) and not seeing improvement can lay on a layer to your vitality. This in turn lowers your vitality and you may even find you have deeper ailments come up after this small sickness.

Isn’t it incredible to think all this could have been avoided with the correct remedy at the correct time?


1. Every household needs a homeopathic kit and know how to use it.

2. Never leave home without your homeopathic kit.

3. Know when to contact your homeopath for an acute consultation before a bigger problem forms.

If you didn't know before you know now I do take Acute Consultations. Feel free to reach out to me for a consult.

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