38 year old – Female
Cheif Complaints - Breast tenderness, Irritability, Fatigue
Breast tenderness in left breast. The tenderness moves around the left side of the breast can stay days in one spot and slightly move to another location around the left side of the breast. Breast become more tender before period. She is mentally drained and physically tired most days. Has low sex drive, can become irritable easily. Does not like to be consoled when upset, weak bladder from child birth. Craves Salty foods. Does not know what brought on the breast tenderness. Birth control pills/shot for approximately ten years (1999-2009).
Gave indicated homeopathic remedy and the breast tenderness became better within a few days and was gone within a couple weeks. No longer irritable. Said she felt as if she was taking a natural valium. Things that would normally irritate just rolled off her back. She had more patience all around. Sex drive went up a little. Less premenstrual issues- less bleeding, less PMS in general. Now has more energy and more focus. Stayed on indicated remedy for approximately three months increasing as needed until all symptoms improved.