3-Year-old boy exposed to strep, became carrier, developed PANDAS, acid reflux, anger, emotional lability, how prescription medication only made the issue worse and how holistic medicine cleared the root issue.
At 3 years old this child was exposed to strep from his older sibling. He was monitored closely for signs of strep but never showed any. Soon after, the 3-year old’s behavior changed. He was already stubborn, but this characteristic turned extreme and more into relentless, unreasonable and unwilling to take no for an answer. So much so that when he was told no, he would eventually run at you to hit, kick and bite you.
The parents thought since he was very head strong this was just very, very terrible 3s. The child continued to have this emotional lability over the next year. He would hold it all in while at preschool or in public but would release his rage as soon as he got home. It was becoming unbearable for the family. Other than his behavior the child seemed to be perfectly healthy. Pediatricians had no advice. “It was just a phase.” “3-year-olds are hard.”
At 4 years old the child started to develop cavities in his baby teeth. These cavities seemed to come on quickly. Then he developed stomach pain every so often and at 5 he developed a muscle tic in his neck.
Putting all these clues together: stomach pains, tics, behavior change, cavities the mother thought he may have PANDAS and was a carrier of strep and just never showed the common signs of strep.
The mother took him to the doctor to test. The test came back positive. The doctor recommended antibiotics right away. The mother wanted to try homeopathy and herbal formulas first. The doctor told the mother how dangerous strep is, etc... The mother knew the child had strep since he was 3, she also knew that antibiotics would only suppress the strep and drive it deeper into the child’s body and deeper energetically into the child. The mother thanked the doctor, asked the doctor to call in the prescription and knew she wasn’t going to pick up the prescription because she was going to try homeopathy and herbal formulas first. She would come back to the doctor in 2 weeks for retesting.
She got her child on the indicated remedy and herbal protocols. Within that 2-week timeframe the child’s behavior improved, stomach pains went away, tics stopped. They returned to the doctor’s office 2 weeks later. The doctor asked how the child did on the antibiotics. The mother said she didn’t give them to the child, and she decided to do the holistic protocol instead. The mother also added that all the symptoms had improved. The doctor retested the child for strep and strep was still present on the culture.
The mother had said to herself if strep is still there after 2 weeks on the holistic protocol they would try the antibiotics. The child (5 years old) had never been on antibiotics before. The child started the antibiotics that day. The child developed a fever immediately after the first dose. The mother called the doctor. They told her not to give him another dose as he is obviously extremely allergic. The doctor called in another antibiotic. The mother was again reluctant to give it to her child, but she did so anyway.
After being on the antibiotics for 24 hours all the child’s symptoms came back (tics, behavior, stomach pains) but no allergic reaction. The mother was kicking herself. She knew they would have to go through the holistic protocol again and more to get him back to where he was before he started the antibiotic, but the child finished the antibiotic. The mother told the doctor all the symptoms came back when they started the antibiotics. The child was tested for strep, and the test still came back positive. At this point the mother was beside herself with frustration. The doctor said, “Well some people are just carriers.” Here’s a medicine for his acid reflux.
The mother returned home and started him one the holistic protocol once again. The child stayed on holistic medicine (homeopathy, herbal protocols and diet improvements) for the next year as needed. His symptoms would improve then come back. It was like playing wacke a mole at times.
Then the mother found the remedy that matched the child that she actually needed before he was born. That remedy was given and none of the symptoms returned, and it has been a year now.
This case story is of my youngest son. We recently went back to the doctor for an unrelated issue and I had them test him for strep out of curiosity. Test came back negative.
This case story is of my youngest son. I write this to say holistic medicine (homeopathy, herbal protocols and diet) can heal the most difficult cases. It does require time. It does not happen overnight, but that time allows the body to heal itself with the support and direction of holistic medicine. This is something suppressive medicine could never, ever do!
If you find yourself or your child in need of holistic treatment, feel free to reach out to me here.