Just kidding but really there sure have been a lot of folks dealing with Sinusitis recently. I’ve had my fair share of member cases. I thought I’d share a few of the top remedies for sinusitis since it seems to have become it’s on epidemic this year.
First, what is Sinusitis?
Simply put sinusitis in the inflammation of the lining of the sinuses in the head.
Symptoms include:
Headache/Facial Pain and Pressure (forehead, eyes, cheeks) – most often upon waking in the morning
Swelling of the eyelids and/or around the eyes
Post nasal drip (can cause sore throat)
Pain between the eyes
Runny or stuffy nose (difficult breathing through the nose)
Fever or weakness
Pain in the jaw, teeth or cheeks
Discolored mucus (this can help you narrow down a remedy)
Cough (may be worse at night)
Causes of Sinusitis:
Top Most Common Remedies for Sinusitis:
Kali Bichromicum
Post nasal drip with thick, sticky and stringy green/yellow mucus.
Blocked Nose
Loss of smell
Shooting pain from root of nose to the eye
Migraine Headache (Over the eyes)
Worse cold and damp, after sleep, after eating, and from 2-5am
Mercurius Sol
Green/yellow mucus and sometimes blood streaked
Raw nostrils
May sweat a lot and feels worse after
Headache like a tight band around head
Pain worse at root of nose
Craves cold drinks
Worse at night, from heat or cold (better moderate temps)
Worse from drafts and worse from lying on right side
Sinusitis often after a cold
Thick, sticky, yellow mucus (sometimes white)
Air feels cold in the nose
Sensation of hair in the right nostril
May have constipation
Worse inhaling cold, dry air and eating bread
Worse at night
Green/yellow mucus in the morning especially (nonirritating)
Headache, better from walking in fresh air
No thirst
May crave peanut butter
Worse warmth, warm food of drink
Worse lying down, from eating rich or fatty foods
Better from cold, cold food and drinks, fresh air
Better sitting up, company and sympathy
Thick, yellow/green mucus with pus of blood
Worse after breakfast
Often patients have history of asthma or warts
No appetite
Dislikes Onions and garlic, can get sick from onions
Worse from cold, damp weather
Worse at night and 3am and 3 pm
Worse from coffee, tea, fatty food and sweets
When to Call a Homeopath?
If you’ve tried a few of these remedies and just can’t seem to find a match please reach out for an acute consultation before the acute turns chronic and into a larger issue.
If you’ve had sinusitis symptoms for longer than 3 weeks please reach out to your doctor and consider working with a homeopath to handle this chronic condition.