There seems to be a strep like illness circulating. It went through my household and everyone presented the same in regard to the sore throat. Everyone got it except my husband, lucky!
My youngest, 7 years old, presented with very sore throat, fever and fatigue for 4 days. It presented like strep so with the fever, even though it was low grade, I gave Belladonna due to that being one of the top strep remedies. It seemed to help a lot. His fever broke and he slept well that night. The next day he still had a sore throat and his fever came and went. It was also raining and overcast for 3-4 days and his illness came on with the weather. This was common for him. I gave Merc. Sol as Merc. Sol is a great remedy for those individuals that are their own natural barometer (very sensitive to the weather). This remedy matched many of his symptoms as well. He gradually got better over the next couple of days.
We also visited the doctor to be tested for strep as he had battled strep for years and I didn’t want to start that fight all over again. The strep test came back negative. He still had some lingering fatigue even after a few days of feeling better overall so I gave him a dose of his constitutional remedy and it helped clear his case.
My oldest son had this same illness but he only had a sore throat for 2 days and no other symptoms. I gave Ferrum Phos 6x a few times each day and he drank “Throat Coat” tea for symptom relief and he was better in a couple of days.
Me on the other hand. This illness had me fighting for about 2 weeks with many changing symptoms. First, it started with a very sore throat. I used Ferrum Phos 6x and throat coat. I also saw the chiropractor and was better within 2 days. I had some lingering post nasal drip that I ignored and honestly didn’t even take Vitamin C for. I completely neglected myself. After about a week of postnasal I developed a severe earache! This was also around the time there was a lot of smoke and hazz in the air from the Canadian wild fires. I wonder if that had anything to do with it?
I tried all kinds of remedies and home remedies and nothing helped. I was in tears from the pain and didn’t want to take Ibuprofen. Later that night and on the verge of going to the ER due to the pain I took the Ibuprofen. The pain subsided and I was able to sleep. The next day the pain never returned like it was but I defiantly had an ear infection. Since I was not in pain I could figure out the remedy I needed. I found I needed Thuja. I also made and herbal sweet oil to put in my ear (¼ cup olive oil, 1 crushed garlic clove and a dash of mullen leaf I had growing in my yard).
I used the sweet oil 3 times that first day, took colloidal silver twice that day and with the homeopathic remedy the ear pain never returned. The next day, I saw the chiropractor and that’s when things started moving. I could feel my ear unplug and start to drain. My throat wasn’t sore anymore but after the chiropractor I felt it get sore again. I knew that was a good sign. The mucus wasn’t staying stuck in my ear any more but the postna
sal was back. I still needed Thuja for the duration of the illness and I went to the chiropractor again 4 days later to keep my ears draining. Every day I felt a little better. It took about 2 weeks from the start of sore throat to completely recover but I didn’t need suppressive antibiotics and so I’ll call that a win!