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Top Remedies for Stomach Flu and How to Use Them

Stomach flu is a common term for viral gastroenteritis, which is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by a virus. It can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever. Stomach flu is not the same as the flu, which is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Stomach flu can be spread by contact with an infected person or by consuming contaminated food or water.  

The stomach flu is the most dreaded illness by most families. Hearing this illness was going around use to give me anxiety. Once this illness entered our house it would take at least 24 hours to leave, if we were lucky and if no one else got it... Big IF!  

Now that I know the wonders of homeopathy the Stomach Flu has not stayed longer than 8 hours in my house! I do not dread this illness anymore. Not my favorite but let’s just say I know what to do when the stomach bug comes home with one of my kids! 

Here are the top stomach flu remedies that have proven useful for my family and clients over the years: 

Arsenicum album:  

  • Weakness, especially after diarrhea 

  • Very Chilly 

  • Worse between 1-3am 

  • Burning pains in the stomach or when vomiting 

  • Burning watery diarrhea 

  • Thirsty for small sips (usually room temp) 

  • Worry and restlessness with nausea 

  • Doesn't want to be alone 


Antimonium crud:

  • Nausea with diarrhea 

  • White coated tongue 

  • Constant belching 

  • Sensation of emptiness in stomach 

  • Abdomen distended with much rumbling 

  • Worse heat, worse touch or consolation 


Antimonium Tart:  

  • Nausea comes in waves 

  • Frequent vomiting of bitter, sour substances 

  • Burning pain in abdomen, as if full of stones 

  • Better after stool 

  • Sharp pain in rectum 

  • Burning after loose stool 

China Officinalis (Chin):  

  • Gas and bloating of the abdomen 

  • Gas pains 

  • Traveler’s Diarrhea 

  • Delirium from loss of fluids 

  • Better bending double 

  • Abdomen distended 

  • Dehydration and weakness 

  • Flatulence & vomiting of undigested food 


  • No relief of nausea from vomiting 

  • Vomiting worse from eating and drinking 

  • Abdominal pains and cramping 

  • Cutting pains around navel 

  • Stools very offensive 

  • green poos; little to no thirst  

  • Horrid nausea, not better vomiting  

Nux vomica:  

  • Angry, irritable mood, impatient 

  • Weight and pain in stomach, sensitive to pressure 

  • Sour taste and nausea in the morning 

  • Wants to vomit but can’t 

  • Chilly even with a fever 

  • Nausea worse from heat and warm drinks; better from cold drinks 

  • Vomiting 15-20 minutes after drinking even a small amount 


How to Choose the Remedy: 

In homeopathy, we always look for ‘strange, rare and peculiar symptoms’ as the best guide to the right remedy.

Make note of the peculiar symptoms with regard to the specific complaints of the illness (ie, what’s peculiar about the diarrhea, vomiting, stomach, etc?) .

Then make a note of the peculiar symptoms looking at the general aspects of the person (ie, their thirst, temperature, food cravings, mood, etc – is it different than their usual?).

Acute Dosage Recommendations: 

  • One dose equals one pellet or one drop of diluted pellet. One drop or one pellet is the same as 1000 pellets or an ocean of diluted remedy. Homeopathy is energy, not material. You cannot overdose on homeopathic remedies.  

  • Take one dose of the indicated remedy at 15 minute intervals for 3-4 doses. If no improvement after 3-4 doses move on to the next indicated remedy. If you have any improvement continue with that remedy (3 to 4 doses per day or as needed) until symptoms improve.  

  • Your indicated remedy should match 3 or more of your symptoms. You do not have to have every symptom listed.  


If you have tried 2 or 3 remedies and symptoms are still persistent do not hesitate to contact a homeopath for an acute consultation. It’s important to get these acute issues under control before they turn into larger issues that can become chronic.  

You are always welcome to reach out to me here to book an acute consultation: Acute Consultation | HolisticSouthernMama 

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